Friday, October 22, 2010

Green Meat!!!

So...I'm sitting in a study hall at the University of Houston with my new subway sandwich (subway club) and I was craving it like CRAZY! I had to walk in the heat to the law school area to get my sub. So I finally get there and they tell my friend and I with whom I was having lunch with as soon as we walked through the door, that they didn't have anymore lettuce! So after careful consideration, my friend and I decided to go ahead and get our subways clubs any way. We figured with three types of meats on the sandwich and all the extra stuff we put on it that having no lettuce wouldn't be as bad as we had previously thought. So after waiting in line and paying for our meals, we get back to the study building and get all  set up to sit and enjoy our meals when something told me to check my sub. We had noticed in line that the meat kind of looked weird, but we thought maybe we were just tripping...until we opened our sandwich's and saw the horror!!!! Don't see it yet? Here, maybe in this one...

So now you should be able to see some greenish, orange fish scale looking stuff on my roast beef! So after looking at this strange meat, we packed up camp, and walked ALL the way back to the subway in the law building. We get there and they tell us that its totally natural and normal for roast beef to look like that...I asked her then why is this my first time ever seeing this? And she said "Because it shows up on some roast beef, and not others"...So after she realized we were not going to take her word for it, she then offered us new sandwiches (Spicy Italian) and said she understands why we felt the way we did. I then persuaded her to give me a free cookie, and chips...and she let me and my friend have chips, drinks, and a cookie on the house. I still don't know if its normal for roast beef to look like this...but I do know one thing, until I do, I don't plan on eating any greenish orange roast beef!


  1. So i was talking to my friend about the green meat. Its completely normal for the meat to look like this. its just the oils that give it this effect. [he works with meat all day].

  2. yeah, I started doing some research myself, that and asking around at meat places lol, im still not of fan of how it looks, but I guess I can eat it now...maybe =P

  3. No way would I eat it.There is to much crap in our food supply. Read a food label. You can't pronouce the name of the stuff listed or know what it is. I have seen to much food being recalled. No subs for me.

  4. Lol I know what you mean...I thought about it, and after trying one of those green stomach was to say the least, killing me! Never again!!!
